Source code for gameanalysis.bootstrap

"""Module for using bootstrap in analysis"""
import functools
import multiprocessing

import numpy as np

from gameanalysis import regret

[docs]def game_function( game, function, num_resamples, num_returned, *, percentiles=None, processes=None ): """Bootstrap the value of a function over a sample game Parameters ---------- game : SampleGame The sample game to bootstrap the function value over. function : f(Game) -> float or f(Game) -> [float] The function of the game to compute. It must be pickleable unless processes is 1, and it must return either a float or an iterable of floats. If an iterable of floats, this bootstrap all indices of the return value independently. num_resamples : int The number of bootstrap samples. Higher will take longer but also give better accuracy. num_returned : int The number of float values your function returns. percentiles : int or [int] The percentiles to compute on the resulting data in [0, 100]. Standard percentiles are 95, or [2.5, 97.5]. By default, return all samples. processes : int (optional) The number of processes to use for computation. By default this is the number of cores. Returns ------- bootstrap_percentiles : ndarray An ndarray of the percentiles from bootstrapping. The shape will depend on the number of percentiles and the number of values returned from your function. """ results = np.empty((num_resamples, num_returned)) chunksize = num_resamples if processes == 1 else 4 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes) as pool: for i, res in enumerate( pool.imap_unordered( functools.partial(_resample_function, function, game), range(num_resamples), chunksize=chunksize, ) ): results[i] = res if percentiles is None: # pylint: disable=no-else-return results.sort(0) return results.T else: return np.percentile(results, percentiles, 0).T
def _resample_function(function, game, _): """Function for resampling""" return function(game.resample()) # pragma: no cover
[docs]def profile_function( game, function, profiles, num_resamples, *, percentiles=None, processes=None ): """Compute a function over profiles Parameters ---------- game : SampleGame The sample game to bootstrap the function value over. function : Game, profile -> float The function of the game profile pair to compute. It must be pickleable, and it must return a float (e.g. regret.mixture_regret). profiles : ndarray The profiles to compute bootstrap bounds over for function. num_resamples : int The number of bootstrap samples. Higher will take longer but also give better accuracy. percentiles : int or [int] The percentiles to compute on the resulting data in [0, 100]. Standard percentiles are 95, or [2.5, 97.5]. By default, return all samples. processes : int (optional) The number of processes to use for computation. By default this is the number of cores. Returns ------- bootstrap_percentiles : ndarray An ndarray of the percentiles from bootstrapping for each profile. The shape will depend on the number of percentiles and the number of profiles. """ profiles = profiles.reshape((-1, game.num_strats)) return game_function( game, functools.partial(_profile_function, function, profiles), num_resamples, profiles.shape[0], percentiles=percentiles, processes=processes, )
def _profile_function(function, profiles, game): """Map a profile function over profiles""" return [function(game, prof) for prof in profiles] # pragma: no cover
[docs]def mixture_regret(game, mixtures, num_resamples, *, percentiles=None, processes=None): """Compute percentile bounds on mixture regret Parameters ---------- game : SampleGame The sample game to bootstrap the function value over. mixtures : ndararay The profiles to compute mixture regret bounds for. num_resamples : int The number of bootstrap samples. Higher will take longer but also give better accuracy. percentiles : int or [int] The percentiles to compute on the resulting data in [0, 100]. Standard percentiles are 95, or [2.5, 97.5]. By default, return all samples. processes : int (optional) The number of processes to use for computation. By default this is the number of cores. Returns ------- regret_percentiles : ndarray An ndarray of the percentiles for bootstrap regret for each profile. """ return profile_function( game, regret.mixture_regret, mixtures, num_resamples, percentiles=percentiles, processes=processes, )
[docs]def mixture_welfare(game, mixtures, num_resamples, *, percentiles=None, processes=None): """Compute percentile bounds on mixture welfare Parameters ---------- game : SampleGame The sample game to bootstrap the function value over. mixtures : ndarray The profiles to compute mixture welfare bounds for. num_resamples : int The number of bootstrap samples. Higher will take longer but also give better accuracy. percentiles : int or [int] The percentiles to compute on the resulting data in [0, 100]. Standard percentiles are 95, or [2.5, 97.5]. By default, return all samples. processes : int (optional) The number of processes to use for computation. By default this is the number of cores. Returns ------- bootstrap_percentiles : ndarray An ndarray of the percentiles for bootstrap welfare for each profile. """ return profile_function( game, regret.mixed_social_welfare, mixtures, num_resamples, percentiles=percentiles, processes=processes, )