Source code for gameanalysis.matgame

"""module for complete independent games"""
import functools
import itertools

import numpy as np

from gameanalysis import rsgame
from gameanalysis import utils

class _MatrixGame(rsgame._CompleteGame):  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    """Matrix game representation

    This represents a complete independent game more compactly than a Game, but
    only works for complete independent games.

    role_names : (str,)
        The name of each role.
    strat_names : ((str,),)
        The name of each strategy per role.
    payoff_matrix : ndarray
        The matrix of payoffs for an asymmetric game. The last axis is the
        payoffs for each player, the first axes are the strategies for each
        player. matrix.shape[:-1] must correspond to the number of strategies
        for each player. matrix.ndim - 1 must equal matrix.shape[-1].

    def __init__(self, role_names, strat_names, payoff_matrix):
        super().__init__(role_names, strat_names, np.ones(len(role_names), int))
        self._payoff_matrix = payoff_matrix

        self._prof_offset = np.zeros(self.num_strats, int)
        self._prof_offset[self.role_starts] = 1

        self._payoff_view = self._payoff_matrix.view()
        self._payoff_view.shape = (self.num_profiles, self.num_roles)

    def payoff_matrix(self):
        """Return the payoff matrix"""
        return self._payoff_matrix.view()

    def min_strat_payoffs(self):
        """Returns the minimum payoff for each role"""
        mpays = np.empty(self.num_strats)
        for role, (pays, min_pays, strats) in enumerate(
                np.rollaxis(self._payoff_matrix, -1),
                np.split(mpays, self.role_starts[1:]),
            np.rollaxis(pays, role).reshape((strats, -1)).min(1, min_pays)
        return mpays

    def max_strat_payoffs(self):
        """Returns the minimum payoff for each role"""
        mpays = np.empty(self.num_strats)
        for role, (pays, max_pays, strats) in enumerate(
                np.rollaxis(self._payoff_matrix, -1),
                np.split(mpays, self.role_starts[1:]),
            np.rollaxis(pays, role).reshape((strats, -1)).max(1, max_pays)
        return mpays

    def payoffs(self):
        profiles = self.profiles()
        payoffs = np.zeros(profiles.shape)
        payoffs[profiles > 0] = self._payoff_matrix.flat
        return payoffs

    def compress_profile(self, profile):
        """Compress profile in array of ints

        Normal profiles are an array of number of players playing a strategy.
        Since matrix games always have one player per role, this compresses
        each roles counts into a single int representing the played strategy
        per role.
        utils.check(self.is_profile(profile).all(), "must pass vaid profiles")
        profile = np.asarray(profile, int)
        return np.add.reduceat(
            np.cumsum(self._prof_offset - profile, -1), self.role_starts, -1

    def uncompress_profile(self, comp_prof):
        """Uncompress a profile"""
        comp_prof = np.asarray(comp_prof, int)
            np.all(comp_prof >= 0) and np.all(comp_prof < self.num_role_strats),
            "must pass valid compressed profiles",
        profile = np.zeros(comp_prof.shape[:-1] + (self.num_strats,), int)
        inds = (
            comp_prof.reshape((-1, self.num_roles))
            + self.role_starts
            + self.num_strats * np.arange(int([:-1])))[:, None]
        profile.flat[inds] = 1
        return profile

    def get_payoffs(self, profiles):
        """Returns an array of profile payoffs"""
        profiles = np.asarray(profiles, int)
        ids = self.profile_to_id(profiles)
        payoffs = np.zeros_like(profiles, float)
        payoffs[profiles > 0] = self._payoff_view[ids].flat
        return payoffs

    def deviation_payoffs(
        self, mixture, *, jacobian=False, **_
    ):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        """Computes the expected value of each pure strategy played against all
        opponents playing mix.

        mixture : ndarray
            The mix all other players are using
        jacobian : bool
            If true, the second returned argument will be the jacobian of the
            deviation payoffs with respect to the mixture. The first axis is
            the deviating strategy, the second axis is the strategy in the mix
            the jacobian is taken with respect to.
        rmixes = []
        for role, rmix in enumerate(np.split(mixture, self.role_starts[1:])):
            shape = [1] * self.num_roles
            shape[role] = -1
        devpays = np.empty(self.num_strats)
        for role, (out, strats) in enumerate(
            zip(np.split(devpays, self.role_starts[1:]), self.num_role_strats)
            pays = self._payoff_matrix[..., role].copy()
            for rmix in (m for r, m in enumerate(rmixes) if r != role):
                pays *= rmix
            np.rollaxis(pays, role).reshape((strats, -1)).sum(1, out=out)

        if not jacobian:
            return devpays

        jac = np.zeros((self.num_strats, self.num_strats))
        for role, (jout, rstrats) in enumerate(
            zip(np.split(jac, self.role_starts[1:]), self.num_role_strats)
            for dev, (out, dstrats) in enumerate(
                zip(np.split(jout, self.role_starts[1:], 1), self.num_role_strats)
                if role == dev:
                pays = self._payoff_matrix[..., role].copy()
                for rmix in (m for r, m in enumerate(rmixes) if r not in {role, dev}):
                    pays *= rmix
                np.rollaxis(np.rollaxis(pays, role), dev + (role > dev), 1).reshape(
                    (rstrats, dstrats, -1)
                ).sum(2, out=out)

        return devpays, jac

    def restrict(self, restriction):
        base = rsgame.empty_copy(self).restrict(restriction)
        matrix = self._payoff_matrix
        for i, mask in enumerate(np.split(restriction, self.role_starts[1:])):
            matrix = matrix[(slice(None),) * i + (mask,)]
        return _MatrixGame(base.role_names, base.strat_names, matrix.copy())

    def _add_constant(self, constant):
        return _MatrixGame(
            self.role_names, self.strat_names, self._payoff_matrix + constant

    def _multiply_constant(self, constant):
        return _MatrixGame(
            self.role_names, self.strat_names, self._payoff_matrix * constant

    def _add_game(self, othr):
        if not othr.is_complete():
            return NotImplemented
            othr_mat = othr.payoff_matrix()
        except AttributeError:
            othr_mat = othr.get_payoffs(self.all_profiles())[
                self.all_profiles() > 0
        return _MatrixGame(
            self.role_names, self.strat_names, self._payoff_matrix + othr_mat

    def _mat_to_json(self, matrix, role_index):
        """Convert a sub matrix into json representation"""
        if role_index == self.num_roles:
            return {role: float(pay) for role, pay in zip(self.role_names, matrix)}

        strats = self.strat_names[role_index]
        role_index += 1
        return {
            strat: self._mat_to_json(mat, role_index)
            for strat, mat in zip(strats, matrix)

    def to_json(self):
        res = super().to_json()
        res["payoffs"] = self._mat_to_json(self._payoff_matrix, 0)
        res["type"] = "matrix.1"
        return res

    def __hash__(self):
        return super().__hash__()

    def __eq__(self, othr):
        # pylint: disable-msg=protected-access
        return (
            # Identical payoffs
            np.allclose(self._payoff_matrix, othr._payoff_matrix)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__[1:], self.num_role_strats)

[docs]def matgame(payoff_matrix): """Create a game from a dense matrix with default names Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix : ndarray-like The matrix of payoffs for an asymmetric game. """ payoff_matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(payoff_matrix, float) return matgame_replace( rsgame.empty( np.ones(payoff_matrix.ndim - 1, int), np.array(payoff_matrix.shape[:-1], int), ), payoff_matrix, )
[docs]def matgame_names(role_names, strat_names, payoff_matrix): """Create a game from a payoff matrix with names Parameters ---------- role_names : [str] The name of each role. strat_names : [[str]] The name of each strategy for each role. payoff_matrix : ndarray-like The matrix mapping strategy indices to payoffs for each player. """ return matgame_replace( rsgame.empty_names(role_names, np.ones(len(role_names), int), strat_names), payoff_matrix, )
def _mat_from_json(base, dic, matrix, depth): """Copy roles to a matrix representation""" if depth == base.num_roles: for role, payoff in dic.items(): matrix[base.role_index(role)] = payoff else: role = base.role_names[depth] offset = base.role_starts[depth] depth += 1 for strat, subdic in dic.items(): ind = base.role_strat_index(role, strat) - offset _mat_from_json(base, subdic, matrix[ind], depth)
[docs]def matgame_json(json): """Read a matrix game from json In general, the json will have 'type': 'matrix...' to indicate that it's a matrix game, but if the other fields are correct, this will still succeed. """ # This uses the fact that roles are always in lexicographic order base = rsgame.empty_json(json) matrix = np.empty(tuple(base.num_role_strats) + (base.num_roles,), float) _mat_from_json(base, json["payoffs"], matrix, 0) return matgame_replace(base, matrix)
[docs]def matgame_copy(copy_game): """Copy a matrix game from an existing game Parameters ---------- copy_game : RsGame Game to copy payoff data out of. This game must be complete. """ utils.check(copy_game.is_complete(), "can only copy complete games") if hasattr(copy_game, "payoff_matrix"): return matgame_replace(copy_game, copy_game.payoff_matrix()) # Get payoff matrix num_role_strats = copy_game.num_role_strats.repeat(copy_game.num_role_players) shape = tuple(num_role_strats) + (num_role_strats.size,) payoff_matrix = np.empty(shape, float) offset = copy_game.role_starts.repeat(copy_game.num_role_players) for profile, payoffs in zip(copy_game.profiles(), copy_game.payoffs()): inds = itertools.product( *[ set(itertools.permutations(np.arange(s.size).repeat(s))) for s in np.split(profile, copy_game.role_starts[1:]) ] ) for nested in inds: ind = tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable(nested)) payoff_matrix[ind] = payoffs[ind + offset] # Get role names if np.all(copy_game.num_role_players == 1): roles = copy_game.role_names strats = copy_game.strat_names else: # When we expand names, we need to make sure they stay sorted if utils.is_sorted(r + "p" for r in copy_game.role_names): # We can naively append player numbers role_names = copy_game.role_names else: # We have to prefix to preserve role order maxlen = max(map(len, copy_game.role_names)) role_names = ( p + "_" * (maxlen - len(r)) + r for r, p in zip( copy_game.role_names, utils.prefix_strings("", copy_game.num_roles) ) ) roles = tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( (r + s for s in utils.prefix_strings("p", p)) for r, p in zip(role_names, copy_game.num_role_players) ) ) strats = tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.repeat(s, p) for s, p in zip(copy_game.strat_names, copy_game.num_role_players) ) ) return _MatrixGame(roles, strats, payoff_matrix)
[docs]def matgame_replace(base, payoff_matrix): """Replace an existing game with a new payoff matrix Parameters ---------- base : RsGame Game to take structure out of. payoff_matrix : ndarray-like The new payoff matrix. """ payoff_matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(payoff_matrix, float) utils.check(np.all(base.num_role_players == 1), "replaced game must be independent") utils.check( payoff_matrix.shape == (tuple(base.num_role_strats) + (base.num_roles,)), "payoff matrix not consistent shape with game", ) return _MatrixGame(base.role_names, base.strat_names, payoff_matrix)